Los Dos Laredos (The Two Laredos)
The current President of the United States said this weekend that "we may have to close up our country" because "we can't allow people to pour into our country the way they're doing. You just take a look at that mess that's on television right now; it is a total catastrophe." Unless you're part of the President's unshakeable base and celebrated Loyalty Day last week instead of May Day, you know he's disconnected from reality, operates from "alternative facts," and prefers television, especially Fox News, to reading. So he doesn't seem to understand that, according to the Pew Research Center , from 2009-2014, more Mexicans left the U.S. than entered; recessions and anti-immigration legislation like Arizona's 2010 House Bill 1070 and Alabama's 2011 House Bill 56 tend to do that. His racist and xenophobic campaign rhetoric and actual election win also served as a deterrent for immigrants and even t ourists to come to the...